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London Pulse

{{ event.score[0] }} - {{ event.score[1] }}

Severn Stars

Match Details

20th February 2023
Round 3
Copper Box Arena
Stats Report

Match Results

{{ title }}
{{ team.teamName }}
{{ result }}

First Centre Pass

Jade Clarke
Jade Clarke London Pulse View profile

Team Stats

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Performance Stats

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Total {{ outputValue(val) }}
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Performance Stats

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Player Position {{ getTooltip(heading).title }}
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{{ player.player ? player.player.position : `NA` }} {{ outputValue(val) }}
Total {{ outputValue(val) }}
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Performance Stats

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{{ player.player ? player.player.position : `NA` }} {{ outputValue(val) }}
Total {{ outputValue(val) }}
Loading league table data

London Pulse made it three wins from three at the start of the 2023 Netball Super League season with a 63-50 win against Severn Stars at the Copper Box.

Pulse made it two home wins in four days with a comfortable victory against a dangerous Stars side, as midcourter Jade Clarke inspired her side to victory with a Player of the Match performance.

The hosts' second home game of the season got off to a flying start, as they romped to an early 11-4 lead thanks to awesome defensive unit work, insane feeds from Alicia Scholes and Clarke, and flawless shooting.

Stars then settled into the quarter and pulled the score back to 13-9. A fly from Jo Trip at the end of the quarter looked on but Clarke took control and a bullet pass into Olivia Tchine saw the quarter end with Pulse leading 18-11.

There were no changes for Pulse going into the second quarter and it started off a little scrappy from both sides.

Pulse soon took control and drove out to a 22-12 lead. With the game then going goal for goal, Pulse brought Berri Neil on at goal attack with just under three minutes left in the first half.

The Neil and Tchine partnership quickly paid dividends and the half ended with Pulse leading by 11 – 32-21.

Pulse got off to a quick start in the third quarter with Tchine and Neil cutting up the defence and Zara Everitt, Funmi Fadoju and Lindsay Keable turning ball with ease.

With the lead out to 40-23, Pulse made a couple of changes with Ellie Rattu coming on at centre and Ashleigh Dekker entering at wing attack.

Shortly thereafter, Tchine took a smack to the face and had to come off, with Neil moving to goal shooter and Sacha McDonald re-entering the court at goal attack.

Stars were able to capitalise following the change up and shortened the goal difference to 43-29 when Hali Adio entered the court at goal keeper.

Pulse won the quarter 14-12 and despite the closer match up were able to extend the lead to 46-33 with Neil scoring with one second on the clock.

The fourth quarter saw the return of Tchine to goal shooter with Neil moving back to goal attack. The quarter saw a run of goals for Stars and then for Pulse and some defensive changes as Clarke returned at centre, Rattu moved to wing defence and Everitt to goal defence.

Pulse pushed the score out to 60-46 but Stars did not roll over and the match finished with a penalty on the buzzer from Neil and a Pulse 63-50 win.

Report provided by London Pulse

You can also watch the highlights from all the games in the NSL 2023 season HERE. Buy tickets to support London Pulse at their home games and support Severn Stars at their home games by buying tickets here.

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